Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht der Publikationen und Vorträge im Rahmen des Projekts.
Landwehr, Claudia; Ojeda, Christopher; Stallbaum, Lea (2025): Institutional Design Preferences Among German and US Citizens: Results from a Factorial Survey Experiment. Political Studies, online first. DOI: 10.1177/00323217241309965.
Landwehr, Claudia; Crowder-Meyer, Melody; Häfner, Leonard; Stallbaum, Lea; Weingärtner, Paul (2024): American Legislator Survey 2023 (Datensatz). https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/3H1YYH, Harvard Dataverse.
Häfner, Leonard; Landwehr, Claudia; Stallbaum, Lea (2023): German Legislators' Conceptions of Democracy and Process Preferences: Results from a New Survey. German Politics, online first. DOI: 10.1080/09644008.2023.2279183. (Replikationsmaterialien auf Anfrage erhältlich)
Landwehr, Claudia; Häfner, Leonard; Stallbaum, Lea (2023): German Legislator Survey 2022 (Datensatz). https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/GUVA5P, Harvard Dataverse.
Landwehr, Claudia; Häfner, Leonard; Stallbaum, Lea; Crowder-Meyer, Melody (25.09.2023): Ergebnisbericht zur American State Legislator Survey
Landwehr, Claudia; Häfner, Leonard; Stallbaum, Lea (20.10.2022): Ergebnisbericht zur Befragung „Wie denken Abgeordnete in deutschen Parlamenten über die Demokratie?”
- Claudia Landwehr, Leonard Häfner und Lea Stallbaum: "Demokratiekonzeptionen von Bürger*innen und politischen Eliten in Deutschland und den USA"; Vortrag am 16.12.2024 am Trierer Institut für Demokratie- und Parteienforschung (TIDuP) der Universität Trier
29. DVPW-Kongress 2024 in Göttingen
- Leonard Häfner: "People-centred or elite-centred democrats? Legislators’ process preferences in the United States and Germany" (Ko-Autor*Innen: Melody Crowder-Meyer, Claudia Landwehr, Lea Stallbaum); Vortrag am 26.09.2024 im Panel "Eliten in Krisenzeiten (2): Herkunft und Repräsentation"
- Lea Stallbaum: "Institutional Design Preferences Among German and US Citizens: Results from a Factorial Survey Experiment" (Ko-Autor*innen: Claudia Landwehr, Christopher Ojeda); Vortrag am 26.09.2024 im Panel "Einstellungen zur repräsentativen Demokratie: Ursachen und Folgen von unterschiedlichen Demokratievorstellungen"
- Jonas Wenker: "A Democratic Pick and Mix: Mapping Conceptions of Democracy Among German Citizens" (Ko-Autor*innen: Leonard Häfner, Lea Stallbaum); Vortrag am 25.09.2024 im Panel "Conceptions of democracy among citizens and political elites - comparative perspectives"
2024 APSA Annual Meeting and Exhibition in Philadelphia, Panel "Conceptions of Democracy among German and American Citizens and Political Elites"
- Armin Schäfer: "Who Wants Descriptive Representation, and Why?" (Ko-Autorin: Claudia Landwehr); Vortrag am 06.09.2024
- Leonard Häfner: "Conceptions of Democracy and Styles of Representation"; Vortrag am 06.09.2024
- Melody Crowder-Meyer: "People-centred or elite-centred democrats? Legislators’ process preferences in the United States and Germany" (Ko-Autor*innen: Claudia Landwehr, Leonard Häfner, Lea Stallbaum); Vortrag am 06.09.2024
- Lea Stallbaum: "Institutional Design Preferences Among German and US Citizens: Results from a Factorial Survey Experiment" (Ko-Autor*innen: Claudia Landwehr, Christopher Ojeda); Vortrag am 06.09.2024
- Jonas Wenker: "A Democratic Pick and Mix: Mapping Conceptions of Democracy Among German Citizens" (Ko-Autor*innen: Leonard Häfner, Lea Stallbaum); Vortrag am 06.09.2024
Workshop "Citizen Perspectives on Democracy" in Mainz
- Lea Stallbaum: "Institutional Design Preferences Among German and US citizens: Results from a Factorial Survey" (Ko-Autor*innen: Claudia Landwehr, Christopher Ojeda); Vortrag am 21.03.2024
- Melody Crowder-Meyer: "People-centred or institutional democrats? A study of German and US legislators' understandings of democracy" (Ko-Autor*innen: Claudia Landwehr, Leonard Häfner, Lea Stallbaum); Vortrag am 21.03.2024
- Jonas Wenker: "Mapping Conceptions of Democracy among German Citizens" (Ko-Autor*innen: Leonard Häfner, Lea Stallbaum); Vortrag am 21.03.2024
- Claudia Landwehr: "Conceptions of Democracy in Germany and the United States"; Vortrag am 30.11.2023 im Rahmen der Obama Lecture des Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies in Mainz
- Claudia Landwehr und Lea Stallbaum: "Preferences over Democratic Institutional Design among German and US Citizens"; Vortrag am 30.10.2023 im Mainzer Kolloquium Methoden und Sozialstruktur
- Claudia Landwehr, Leonard Häfner und Lea Stallbaum: "Citizens’ Conceptions of Democracy and Process Preferences: Results from a Vignette Study"; Vortrag am 20.04.2023 im Demokratie-Kolloquium des MZeDf
ECPR General Conference in Prag, Section "Debating Democracy in/and Europe"
- Armin Schäfer: "Who is Afraid of Descriptive Representation? Politicians and Citizens’ Concepts of Representation"; Vortrag am 06.09.2023
- Leonard Häfner: "Conceptions of Democracy and Styles of Representation"; Vortrag am 06.09.2023
Workshop "Democratic Citizens and Political Elites" in Mainz
- Armin Schäfer: "Who Is Afraid of Descriptive Representation?"; Vortrag am 09.03.2023
- Lea Stallbaum: "Conceptions of Democracy and Process Preferences in Party Manifestos: A Comparative Analysis"; Vortrag am 09.03.2023
- Leonard Häfner: "German Legislators’ Conceptions of Democracy and Process Preferences: Results from a New Survey"; Vortrag am 09.03.2023
- Leonard Häfner und Lea Stallbaum: Conceptions of Democracy among German state MPs; Vortrag am 14.07.2022 beim Workshop "Procedural Consensus and Dissent" in Mainz